Tourist flow within the country is gaining momentum / News / Media / President Academy
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Tourist flow within the country is gaining momentum

Tourist flow within the country is gaining momentum

Domestic tourism is one of the promising areas for the development of regions within Russian. In response to the growing popularity of traveling across the country, the Government is implementing a set of measures to support creating and modernizing tourism infrastructure.

The national project Tourism and Hospitality Industry helps both tourists receive high-quality services and organizers of vacation sites and tourist routes get comprehensive government support. For these purposes, in 2022-2024 the Russian government has provided investments in the amount of more than 167 billion rubles.

Alexey Pyrikov, an associate professor of the Foreign Languages Department of the Altai branch of RANEPA, Candidate of Philological Sciences, an author of the information and educational project “Outdoor in Altai” comments on the situation:

Over the past few years, it has become obvious that the tourist flow within our country not only is not subsiding, but is gaining momentum. Altai Krai and the Altai Republic have fully felt this over the past 2-3 years. The flow of tourists to our regions has also increased significantly.

This served as a good driver for developing infrastructure, increasing competition and reconsidering the service standards in the tourism industry of our regions. It has become possible thanks to comprehensive government support measures, especially the national project Tourism and Hospitality Industry.

Alexey Pyrikov
Associate professor of the Foreign Languages Department, Candidate of Philological Sciences
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